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Let's Get Back Into It!
Learning Outcomes & Assessment
Important Notes About The Course
Why Risk Management Is Important
Hazards Vs Risks - Definition
Duty of Care - Definition
Foreseeable Risks - Definition
Reasonable Care - Definition
Informed Consent - Definition
Personal Vs Institutional Risk
What Makes a Good Risk Assessment?
3rd Party Providers
Transport Risk Intro
Case Study - Driver Fatigue
Transport Risk Summary
What Sort Of Records Should I Keep?
Continuous Improvement
Excursion Risk Management Quiz
Course Summary
Articles, References & Reports Cited In This Training
Additional Resources
Further Training



This course contains materials which may be upsetting to some participants, including references and case studies which explore confronting details of incidents which have occurred on school trips that have resulted in serious injuries and/or death. Case studies and examples are designed to highlight the dangers and risks involved in these types of activities and help prevent them from occurring in the future. Please bare this in mind before you start the course. We have made every effort to ensure these matters are presented in a meaningful and sensitive way to help improve safety. However, if something from this course does trigger something in you, please connect with a professional counseling service immediately.