Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction | 5 min

  • 2

    Education, Risk & International Programs | 15 min

  • 3

    Creating A Culture of Risk Management | 20 min

  • 4

    Case Study: When Antics Turn To Tragedy | 10 min

  • 5

    Setting Up Your International Programs | 40 min

    • Developing Your International Tour Plan Intro

    • International Program Activities

    • Informed Consent - Definition

    • International Tour Recces Intro

    • International Tour Recces

    • Staff & Student Vetting

    • Recruitment & Vetting of Students – Review Your Current Systems & Processes

    • Recruitment & Vetting of Staff & Volunteers – Your Current Systems & Processes

    • International Tour Planning Review

  • 6

    3rd Party Travel Agents & Local Guides | 15 min

    • Considerations For Using Travel Agents & Local Guides

    • Travel Agents, Activity Providers & Tour Operators

    • Workbook Activity: In-country Third Party Providers & Contractors

  • 7

    Assessing Risks | 15 min

  • 8

    Common International Program Risks | 40 min

    • Common International Risks Intro

    • Different Cultures, Laws & Standards

    • Common International Trip Illnesses & Vaccinations

    • Accommodation Risks

    • Water Safety

    • Workbook Activity: School Trips & Swimming

    • Language Barriers & Communications Risks

    • Cyber Security & Travel

    • Workbook Activity: Developing A Risk Management Plan

  • 9

    Common Transport Considerations | 15 min

    • International Transport & Risk Tolerance

    • Transport Appetite For Risk

    • Airports, Train Stations & Transport Hubs

    • Workbook Excercise: Transport Hubs

  • 10

    Case Study: It Was Such A Busy Schedule... | 15 min

    • Student Wellbeing on International Tours Intro

    • International History Tour - Case Study

    • Student Wellbeing on International Tours Summary

  • 11

    Emergency Planning | 20 min

    • Injuries, Illness, Infections, Incidents & Emergencies Intro

    • First Aid Qualifications & Experience

    • First Aiders or Medical Professionals?

    • International Safety Backup

    • Emergency Response Planning

    • What 3 Words - Location Tracking, Meeting Points & Emergency Locations

    • Injuries, Illness, Infections, Incidents & Emergencies Summary

  • 12

    Planning, Preparation & Paperwork | 30 min

    • Practical Planning, Preparation & Logistics Intro

    • Additional International Trip Entry Considerations

    • Medicals, Mental Health Plans & Dietary Requirements

    • Release of Indemnity or Liability Waivers

    • Medications, Controlled Drugs & International Borders

    • International Medication Management

    • Let's Get Packed!

    • Considerations For An International First Aid Kit

    • Travel Insurance Considerations

    • Workbook Activity: Trip Insurance Questions

  • 13

    Putting It All Together | 15 min

    • Your Detailed Intinerary Plan

    • Changes of Plans & Random Detours

  • 14

    Reviewing Your International Programs | 5 min

    • Post Program Reviews Intro

    • Continuous Improvement

    • Course Review Questions

  • 15

    Next Steps | 10 min

    • Course Summary

    • Course Evaluation

    • Additional Resources

    • Articles, References & Reports Cited In This Training

    • Further Training

Do You Run An International Trip At Your School?


International Trips can be great ways to build a range of skills and foster global citizenship with your students, however, they also come with a range of additional risks.

The Xcursion Risk Management for International Tours course steps you through the process of planning, preparing and running any sort of International Trip from an operational risk management point of view. Whether you're running your program internally or contracting out parts or all of your program to a specialist tour guide or activity provider, this course will help you build your understanding and confidence in risk management for all your International trips regardless of where you're going.

*This course is based upon The International Standard For Travel Risk Management - ISO31030


• Improve Safety

• Empower students to be part of the management of risk on your program

• Build effective risk management systems for your International programs

• Build confidence in managing risks & decision-making processes

• Understand how to develop a culture of risk management

• Improve communications skills

• Reduce your exposure to personal legal liability

• Avoid lengthy, expensive legal investigations

• Improve educational outcomes

For our full risk management training options, including face to face and custom designed programs, go to:

For ACT Registered Teachers

This course is an accredited TQI training course and will contribute to 4 hours of professional development.


This course contains materials which may be upsetting to some participants, including violent and sexual references and case studies which explore confronting details of incidents which have occurred on school trips that have resulted in serious injuries and/or death. Case studies and examples are designed to highlight the dangers and risks involved in these types of activities and help prevent them from occurring in the future. Please bear this in mind before you start the course. We have made every effort to ensure these matters are presented in a meaningful and sensitive way to help improve safety. However, if something from this course does trigger something in you, please connect with a professional counseling service immediately.

School Pricing options

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