5.0 /5

Course Introduction
Important Notes About The Course
Learning Outcomes & Assessment
School Camps & the Importance of Good Risk Management
Perceived Risk Vs Real Risk
Your Key Role & Responsibilities Intro
Duty of Care - Definition
Medicals, Mental Health & Dietary Requirements
Student Medications
Medical Centre & Hospital Visits
Medicals, Medications & Mental Health Quiz
Head Counts & Roll Calls
Hats, Sunscreen & Hydration
Safeguarding Considerations
What Sort Of Records Should I Keep?
Key Roles Questions
Case Study - It Was a Warm Summer's Day
Case Study - Review
Understanding a Camp Risk Assessment
Camp Activity Briefings & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Clear Roles, Responsibilities, Communications & Expectations
Effective Communications - Shared Roles & Responsibilities
Four Types of Supervision
Lights Out & Night Time Supervision
What Are Some of My Risk Responsibilities?
Introduction To Situational Awareness
Common Campsite Risks
Meal Preparation & Cooking
Food & Nutrition
Camp Hygiene
Good Camp Hygiene Practices
Student Accommodation
Camp Fires
Situational Awareness on Camp Review
Understanding & Implementing Your School's Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Response Planning
Post Camp Wrapup & Feedback
Course Summary
Additional Resources
Course Evaluation


5.0 /5

  • Judy

    Simple practical ways to implement safety and safeguarding on camp

  • Adrian
    Short and to the point

    A really good course which quickly got to the point about what my staff need to know for camp safety when working with camp providers.

  • Paul-John (P-J.)
    School Camp Safety - Level 1

    Very well articulated and summarised. Well done.

Train All Your Staff

Quickly get your accompanying teachers ready for any school camp so they're clear and confident in their roles & responsibilities when it comes to safety